Why use the services of a Property Search Consultant?
Our aim is to help you find the perfect property and then to guide you through the purchase process, as efficiently and painlessly as possible. If you are really into buying a perfect property, read here.
We are able to search the whole market for your ideal property, as we are totally independent. We have access to all the properties from local agents, and through our local contacts, we also have access to properties that are being sold discreetly and are not available on the open market. We live here full time and have a wealth of experience to share with you. We do not sell properties, we are not an estate agent – rather we work for you, as a consultant, to find you your dream home.
Once we have found you the perfect property, we will ensure that you understand the buying process, act on your behalf in price and contract negotiations, find you a local English-speaking lawyer, help you to arrange a mortgage, open bank accounts and deal with other bureaucratic issues such as getting you a fiscal code.
We can save you hours of work, trawling the internet, visiting and registering with multiple agents, scouting around your chosen destination. We will make sure that you only spend time viewing properties that meet your requirements. Ultimately we will be able to save you both time and money.
Our work does not stop there. Once you have purchased your dream home, we are then still on hand to help make sure that you get the very best out of your property, by handling the day-to-day issues of keeping a second home abroad or by providing you with all that you need to settle into your new life on Lake Como.
Property prices on Lake Como still represent value for money. For example, it is possible to buy a 1 bedroom apartment with a lake view for as little as €130,000 or a 1 bedroom apartment in a small complex with shared swimming pool from €180,000 or 2 bedrooms from €250,000
You can even get a 4 bedroom villa with a private swimming pool for just over €600,000.
When you consider the rental incomes that you could get from these properties and the low rate of interest on Italian mortgage, buying a holiday home in Italy really is within your grasp.
If you are searching for a lakeside villa, it is worth noting that lakeside properties come onto the market rarely, and then they are often sold ‘secretly’ without being listed on the open market. We can help you find these properties. Having lived and worked here since 1996, we have a myriad of contacts at all levels of the property market.
Whatever you are searching for, we can help.
From an investment property for under €200,000 with a proven rental income to a 50 million euro historic lakeside villa, fit for a movie star or football player. Simply call us today, to discuss your requirements in total confidence – 0039 348 4108544 or email us info@lakecomoproperties.com